Thank you for your interest in enrolling on a CHA tour!
To enroll online, you will need a Group Access Code, a special invitation code provided by your group leader. (If you don't have this code, please contact your group leader for assistance.) Also required is a credit card payment to cover CHA's $95 non-refundable Registration Fee. (You can also choose to pay your $400 tour deposit when you enroll.)
Before you enroll, you (and a parent or guardian if you are under 21 years old) must read CHA's Important Information Booking Terms & Conditions which explains CHA's payment, cancellation and refund policies in detail along with our Student Code of Behavior and Release & Agreement.
When you're ready to begin, enter your Group Access Code below and click "Continue." Then follow the instructions on the next few pages to complete your enrollment and make your required payment.
Group Access Code
This section of our website allows individuals to enroll for a CHA educational tour online. If you don’t want to enroll online, you can also download a printable form using the link below.
Download Forms