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Enrolling Your Group

Enrolling your group is easy with CHA. Order the materials you’ll need from your CHA Tour Counselor. Or, save time and enroll your group online. Here’s how:

How to Enroll

When you’re ready to enroll on a CHA tour, you’ll first need to submit your "Group Counselor Application." You can download this form on the Downloads page on our website.

Once you’ve enrolled yourself, you are ready to enroll your group. Hold an enrollment meeting to promote your tour and to give out enrollment materials. Be sure to encourage students and parents to read CHA’s Tour Enrollment Booklet carefully especially the "Important Information Booking Terms & Conditions" before signing up. Also, make sure that each enrollment form is completed correctly and signed by the traveler (and a parent if he/she is under 21 years of age) and sent along with a check or money order to cover CHA’s $95 non-refundable Registration Fee. You can collect applications from your group and send them to CHA yourself, or travelers can submit them individually by mail.

Save Time by Enrolling Online

To make it easier and to save time, both you and your travelers can enroll online. To begin, click on the Enroll Online section at the top right-hand side of our website and select "Group Counselor Application." Once you submit your application, you’ll receive an email confirmation folllowed a phone call from CHA if we have any questions about your enrollment. Afterwards, we will email you the instructions on how to enroll your group online. Using a unique "Group Access Code," your travelers will be able to sign up your tour online and pay their $95 Registration Fee (along with a tour deposit if desired) using a major credit card.

What Happens Next

As travelers sign up for your tour either by mail or online, CHA will mail a detailed tour account statement to each new enrollee, listing all tour fees and payment deadline dates, along with an informative newsletter and important travel information including instructions about obtaining passports, optional travel insurance and setting up a monthly payment plan. (Travelers who enroll online will also receive an enrollment confirmation by email, followed by a detailed tour account statement in the mail.)

For what to expect once you’ve enrolled, click here.

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