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Custom Tour Planner

Thanks for your interest in planning a CHA Custom Tour!

We are excited to have the opportunity to plan a custom tour for your group. So that we may be clear about what you would like us to include, please complete the form below. You may choose to modify an existing CHA tour or create your own unique itinerary. We recommend that you refer to the tours on our website for ideas. To browse CHA's collection of over 110 pre-designed tours, click here.

Once you submit your custom tour, a CHA Tour Counselor will contact you to review your request so that we can price your tour as quickly and accurately as possible.

Your Contact Information:

Your Name:

Home Address:



Zip Code:


Cell Phone:

Email Address:

School Name (if applicable):

Your Travel Experience:

Have you led an educational tour before?

Have you organized a custom tour before?

Other travel companies you've worked with:

Have you contacted CHA about this custom tour?

If yes, who is your CHA Tour Counselor?

Your Tour Budget:

Your anticipated number of travelers
(not including teacher-counselors):

Your Anticipated Price per Person:

Your Custom Tour is for:

Class of Hotels:

Type of Rooms Required:

Meals to be included daily (check all that apply):




Ratio for Free Trips for Group Leader & Chaperones:

1 free trip for every 6 fully-paying participants

1 free trip for every 10 fully-paying participants

Other. Please specify:

Describe Your Custom Tour:

Name of Your Custom Tour:

Requested Departure Date:

U.S. Departure City:

Overseas Arrival City:

Estimated Number of Days of Tour:

I would like to:

Name of CHA Tour You Would Like to Modify
(if applicable):

Briefly describe your custom tour in the space below. You may also choose to create a detailed, daily itinerary by clicking here.

If you have any questions about planning a CHA custom tour or if you need help completing this form, please feel free to contact a CHA Tour Counselor at 1-800-323-4466.

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